Latest on our own knock down rebuild
Knock Down Rebuild

Our very own knock down luxury rebuild project is well underway with all services disconnected. The demolition contractors are in the process of salvaging and recycling as much as they can before clearing and levelling the site.
Our architectural team has almost completed Stage 1 Design Brief of our next home in Surrey Hills which promises to be very contemporary indeed.
Millissa from our design team is currently developing the CAD drawings and we’ve finalised the layout of the floorplan. Nick our architect and Millissa have selected all the external finishes and materials.
As we do for our all clients, Nick started the process by exploring the site’s unique opportunities and constraints, drawing inspiration from the surrounding neighbourhood. The trees across the street. The direction of the sunlight. The fall of the land. The approach to the property. All these elements were critical to informing the design process and vision for this home, which incorporate many beautiful shapes, textures and daylight, celebrating the natural elements of earth, wind, fire and water.
We’ve now started working on Stage 2 Planning & Specifications – preparing the working drawings, elevations, sections and electrical plans, etc.
We’re all really excited about this project and we’ll keep you posted with progress.